For a while there I needed to cope with the world in which we live, to face the ugliness that we call "us", you know, the one that precedes "them"? I couldn't write because all that came out was anger and frustration at the hatefulness that seethes through our society. That's not what I want my blog to be about, and if I couldn't say anything that I would want to read myself, I wasn't going to write.
The problem is that I need to write, there is just some force within me that drives me to write. I try to imagine who I would be in a society before reading and writing became common, and I can't. The roles for women were pretty circumscribed, and unless your family was noble, the females weren't educated, and even then it wasn't a guarantee. My family was not noble. My fate would have been to be a spinster in someone else's house, a farmer's wife, or a craftman's wife, the option of the strange woman at the edge of the village, who was assumed to be a witch, would have been possible too.
The other thing to imagine is who am I in this society? What is my role here? I can read and write. I need to read and write, but to what purpose? To entertain a few of my friends online or a greater good?
I teach. Many days the lessons seem superficial, at other times some of the kids really seem to understand what I am trying to Say, with a capital S. When it clicks, it is glorious, when it doesn't it's just a day at work and I go home.
What is it that I am trying to say? The world is fascinating,
Humidity |
Hickory bark |
Frost on car |
Pine cone in leaves |
Box turtle |
Land Art |
Googly eyed snacks |
and that we need to bring these great ideas, concepts and beauty to the forefront. But how?
Ah, my conundrum.
I have been doing some reading to get me out of the paralyzed thought pattern that I have been in since November 2016, some of my recent reading is about joy and nature, two books that aggregate the science on two of my favorite, connected, topics. I highly recommend both books.
The Nature Fix
Now to fill this rut and move on.